Legal warning
Owner of the website
The identification details of the person responsible for this website are: EDUCA SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT, SL with Tax Identification Code B01898238, registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid, volume 40822, folio 176, page number M-724210, inscription 1 and address at Avenida de Europa 19, 3.A - Alcobendas, 28108 Madrid.
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The following provisions regulate access to and use of this website. Browsing this website confers the status of user on any natural person interested in the services of this page and implies full and unreserved acceptance of this legal notice. The user expressly and without exception accepts that access to and use of this website, its services and contents is at his/her sole and exclusive responsibility. In the event that the user does not agree with the content of these conditions, he/she must leave this website and may not make use of the services offered. Access to this website is free and does not require subscription or registration. This legal notice may be modified at any time to adapt it to legislative, jurisprudential or technological changes. These modifications will be considered to have been as notified as soon as they are published on this page.
Intellectual property rights
Todos los derechos sobre el contenido del presente sitio web pertenecen a EDUCA SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT SL. El diseño, contenidos, textos, fotografías, imágenes, mapas, gráficos, marcas, nombres, comerciales, ilustraciones, banners, estructura de pagina y de navegación, o código fuente de este sitio son titularidad de EDUCA SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT SL, que posee legítimamente los derechos de explotación pertinentes. Los logotipos de otras sociedades que pudieran aparecer son titularidad de cada una de ellas, disponiendo legítimamente los derechos de explotación sobre los mismos. En ningún caso, el usuario que acceda a este sitio web puede copiar, modificar, distribuir, transmitir, reproducir, publicar, ceder, vender los elementos anteriormente mencionados o crear nuevos productos o servicios a partir de la información obtenida, a excepción de que cuente con autorización expresa y por escrito de EDUCA SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT SL. Este material está protegido por la legislación de la propiedad intelectual y su uso indebido puede ser objeto incluso de sanciones penales. La consulta o descarga de contenidos del sitio no implican la cesión de ningún derecho de propiedad intelectual sobre los mismos. Los usuarios responderán de los daños y perjuicios de cualquier clase que EDUCA SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT pueda sufrir, directa o indirectamente, como consecuencia del incumplimiento de la normativa vigente o de cualquiera de las obligaciones derivadas del uso de este sitio web. EDUCA SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT, se reserva cuantos medios o acciones legales le correspondan en defensa de sus legítimos derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial.
Exemption from liability
This Website, as well as any content of the same, contains material prepared by EDUCA SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT SL, for merely informative purposes and, by means of the same, no professional advice or service is provided to the user. We therefore disclaim all liability for possible damages of any kind that users may suffer from the use of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data, or for the possible suspension, cancellation or inoperability of its contents or services (article 17.1 of the LSSI-CE). We welcome any suggestions or comments that may help us to improve this website. The use of the contents and services of this website is under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user.
External links leading to other websites are offered without any profit motives with the sole aim of improving the information provided to the user. Therefore, we are not responsible for the contents linked, nor for any modifications that may be made to them, nor do we guarantee the absence of viruses or other elementes in them that may cause alterations in the computer system, excluding any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.
Applicable jurisdiction
Any relationship between the user and EDUCA SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT SL shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation. In the event of a conflict, the parties submit themselves to the Courts and Tribunals that are competent at any time and provided that the applicable legislation allows it and if they have the possibility of doing so, they will voluntarily submit themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.